Building The Road to Excellence

Help fundraise to invest in our communities and local schools, positively affecting current and future generations.

Building The road to excellence for Young STudents across the u.s.

Our goal in fundraising is to supply schools with the equipment to build an innovative multi-media lab, COEGI Lab (Collaborate, Open-Mind, Explore, Gather, and Innovate) that stimulates free thinking and collaboration among students and teachers.

COEGI Labs will introduce them to new ideas and concepts unfamiliar to them. They will gain new experiences and be equipped with the tools to explore even further, making a hobby into an actual and high-yielding pursuit.

Labs will feature equipment and software to introduce students to various forms of media and projects where they will have opportunities to expand on new ideas and follow through effectively with our support.

Where your donation will go towards:

  • Recording Space
  • Computers and Tablets
  • Coding and Editing Programs
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Projectors and Smart TVs
  • Enhanced Learning Seating

What is the building excellence foundation

The Building Excellence Foundation is an educational 501(c)3, and we believe every person, no matter their walk of life, should have access to quality education and the resources they need to succeed. We fundraise so that students have every single item on their back-to-school list. We fundraise so teachers can afford to provide their students with the educational tools they need to learn. We fundraise for underserved schools that may not have enough funding to provide their students with a safe and stable environment to grow and dream in. We invest in our local schools because the families within our communities deserve an opportunity to meet their fullest potential.